The boys didn't have school on Friday because of...wind?!? :) So my scrapbooking weekend got off to a
different start, since the whole family was underfoot, ...uh I mean home for the day. No, actually, Jim and kids played nicely and left me to my packing and organizing most of the time.
The morning had a ripple of BIG excitement when Benjamin's snaggle tooth began to bleed yet again after some rough-housing. Go figure. When Daddy wiped the blood, he easily pulled the tooth right out, as well!! Ben was so excited! I was planning to take some pics of his toothless grin after he got into clothes for the day, but when I peeked in and found him checking himself out in the mirror, I just couldn't
not run for the camera!

So here's Mr. Toothless with rumpled hair and jammies...

I left Friday afternoon for what turned out to be an AWESOME weekend. My sister-in-law and I have been going to this retreat for four years now, and we look forward to it each year. It is run by Dani Grim, a Creative Memories consultant out of Carlisle, and she does an absolutely fabulous job with the whole event! Upon arriving, I was still in a fog from my cold. But miraculously a Quizno's dinner seemed to do the trick. By Friday night I was practically CURED!!! I'm serious. I didn't even open the box of cold medicine that I had packed and hardly even put a dent in the tissues! I am happy to report that I worked on a whopping 92 pages from Friday afternoon through Sunday evening and even found a little time to eat and sleep! I'm a tad bit tired now, but that's to be expected. Looking forward to next year...
And yes, MASH PIT Alums, the tradition lives on - While I was gone, Jim's pit kids struck again. They usually grace us with lovely yard decorations around Memorial Day and/or before Band Camp in August, but for some reason they thought it would be fun to do in the dead of winter this year! Jim took the following pics of the devastation, I mean decorations. For those not in "the know," the little white things all over the front lawn are plastic forks. That's actually a verb in, "We got forked." :)

Apparently, they tied the decorating theme in with this year's indoor percussion show. The soap writing all over the windows and the car were "rules" referred to throughout the show. At least they were creative...

I think they're trying to corrupt our children...

Jim said the funniest part of cleaning it all up with both kids Sunday morning was their differing approaches. Ben was just happy to be outside helping. Ellie kept trying to plot revenge! :) I think
she may be the one we have to worry about...