Having grown up with one sister, I felt confident in my ability to raise a daughter and a bit nervous about my odds to positively rear a son. And that, I believe, is exactly why God gave us Benjamin. I can't quite remember how we discovered his affinity for trucks. I know that around 8 months or so, he would just YELL at trucks on the highway... And by the age of 10 months, it was so evident that his infatuation would be long-lasting that I bought him a construction quilt for his big boy bed (that we didn't move him into for another year)!
Now years later, I know more about construction than I ever thought humanly possible. I know the detailed names of probably over 100 different types of machinery and exactly what they are able to do. I have seen every children's construction video ever produced...at least twice. I have had in depth conversations about such things as how the space shuttle blasts off, how electricity gets to our homes, and even how the crusher blade of a trash truck works.
Although I will admit to "nurturing" his interests as any parent would do, it is now quite evident to me that "nature" may just have a tiny hand in "the way kids turn out." :-)
Now that Spring has finally sprung, I find it necessary again to have clothes (and shoes!) reserved especially for play. Here are some of his current "boy interests..."
Worms. We have a cup FULL of worms (dead, I'm sure) and dirt on our porch. Every few days, Ben thinks to drown, I mean give them a little water...

Tools, especially Poppy's, Pop-Pop's, or Daddy's. Here he is testing out Poppy's post hole digger. Just what every 5-year-old should know how to use!

Holes. The poor little chipmunk that lived here didn't stand a chance! Ben saw a hole AND a pile of stuff to shove down it. This was "hours" of entertainment.

Mud. I bet all mothers of boys in Mechanicsburg know where THIS mud is. This would be the run off from Friendship Park. Ben and Henry snuck over while they thought we weren't paying attention. I climbed up the play equipment to get this and many other incriminating photos. :-) They spent a long while testing the jump-a-bility of every inch of mud. Sometimes, they'd merely hop over it. Other times, they'd back waaaaaay up and take a nice long running start. Thus far, this year I've let him play there for a little bit each time. His ability to stay out of the mud has been much refined since last year...so far, so good.

Did I mention worms? I missed the HUGE one he found at my parents' yesterday, but here's Ben showing me how long it supposedly was. Poppy, who helped him put it back in the soil, claims that Ben "will be a great fisherman someday!" :-)

BOY, have I learned a lot of "boy stuff" in the past five years! 'Can't wait to see what the next five hold...I think.
I am excited about having boys until I think of them driving someday.... --chris f