Once all of the troops were rounded up - and back on the right side of the railing - we headed for the rides at Wonderland. Benjamin strolled ahead demonstrating his laid back nature. I can only imagine what teenage-dom will bring...

One of the kids' favorite rides at the boardwalk is the log flume. Back in "the day" I used to enjoy rides such as the log flume and roller coasters. Then I became a mother. Now, Pop-Pop goes in my place. Someone has to stay on the ground to care for the rest of the family in the event of serious injury...or worse. :-) Besides, this gives me a few minutes to exercise my Catholicism and say a few Hail Marys, an Our Father, and a Novena or two while watching my entire family plummet into a wall of water. Oh, how I love the log flume...

Thumbs up from Daddy and Ellie for a successful ride on the log flume! Now Mommy can breathe again.

This year, we took the kids on the humungo Ferris wheel. Now this surprisingly doesn't bother me. Height without high speed is okay in my book. Okay...I'm going to stop thinking about it now before I talk myself out of this one too.
Steve and LeAnn, I always think of you guys when I see this ride. (Where they got engaged.) :-) And on the exact same night, Dave was almost simultaneously proposing to Amy on the beach! AND these two proposals were made on the same date that Jim proposed to me!(3 years prior?) Pretty crazy, huh?!? Smiths, beware who you are with on July 24... :-)
Back to the pictures. Ellie's picking hair out of her mouth, I think...otherwise a cute shot.

LOVE this one of Corey!

Too cute. This one seems like a keeper too...maybe in a frame on Corey's dresser? Not that I'm trying to make decorating decisions for you, Amy! I just think it's a cute daddy/daughter moment. :-)

Ben's choice for his last ride - the bumper boats! Corey and Louden joined him. Only Corey was big enough to drive one by herself. Here's a shot that Nana took; look at me hammin' it up for the boys. No surprise there, eh? Who needs alcohol when you can be this embarrassing to your family sober?!? ...and I wonder why Benjamin walks so far ahead of me on the boardwalk already!

Just look at the joy on his face! This is pretty much his visage anytime he's driving anything.

Visiting with the hermit crabs...love the colors and angle on this one.

This year, I finally remembered to have someone take a picture of the four of us on the boardwalk. So now when Ellie gets to pre-school in September and the teacher asks for a family picture, we don't have to decide between the one of us on the beach in bathing suits or one that's two years old. :-) Now all I have to do is actually get it printed before September...

More to come...
Love all the pictures!! I'm with on that 1st one...simply awesome and I really like your family picture. We have been really awful at taking those this summer!!