I love these next two shots of the girls and their ornaments.
Here's Morgan, 2 and 1/2...

...and Lauren, 5 and 3/4. (Note to self: Wear a less obtrusive color when photographing child holding shiny silver ornament:-)

The sisters were goofin' together while waiting for Daddy to finish up with a customer. One or both of them is always singing or dancing. :-)

And here's where my "challenge" began. It seems that Little Miss Morgan is not a very good "camera-looker-atter" unless, of course, it suits her. Never mind that everyone else is ready! You should see the outtakes I have! It's a good thing she's still cute from the side! :-)

And here's my favorite! I think it's just so darn "small town cute." And I think Shauna and Ken like it too... :-)

All in all, I think we did pretty well. The Sobers got a family pic for cards, and I learned a lot while battling Morgan for some "face time." Just like anything else in life, it's amazing how much more you learn by actually doing!
Merry Christmas to All! ...and if you're in the Harrisburg area and need a tree, there just so happens to be a super cute family-owned lot right in downtown New Cumberland. Just look for the big red sign!
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