My favorite...I think...

Colin - my most photogenic subject EVER. It is absolutely impossible to take a bad picture of this kid...weeeeeeell, except for the day of his 2nd b-day shoot when he was just generally Miserable. But we'll save that tale for another post. :)

My Boy. I already miss that missing front tooth! Now, five months later, it's most of the way in...sigh...

How come I am such a professional at getting pictures of Miss Ellen with the rims of her glasses going right through her eyes? Grrr.... Still cute, though, nonetheless. :)

And Miss Caroline. She is my most challenging subject to date, yet I love her to pieces. She's an absolute sweetheart, but she has the "tries WAY too hard in the facial expressions" category locked up. Let me tell ya! This one is quite a gem, though.

And this one...kinda cool, I think. Not sure what I would do with it, though...

We all did a lot of waiting for "Mr. 1 and 3/4," as you can imagine. I posted this next picture just for Sarah. She always says that Caroline would let Ben and Ellie get away with murder, because she idolizes them. This shot just makes me laugh. B & E are obviously looking over toward wherever Colin is trying to escape, and poor Caroline looks rather uncomfortable. Yet never a sound was uttered - after all, it was Ben and Ellie! :)

As we were all hiking across campus back to the vans, the girls were stopped in their tracks when they realized that there was a wedding ceremony concluding in the church! We seriously could have left them standing right there and they would have never known we were gone!

Very cute! --chris f