Sunday, March 15, 2009

Dinner at Nana and Pop-Pop's

The whole Weaver Clan got together this afternoon for Aunt Amy's belated birthday dinner. For the first time, we all arrived early and ate dinner mid-afternoon...well those of us who remembered this plan and didn't eat lunch at 12:30...sorry, Nana! :-)

It was a wonderful change to the norm; the kids had more time to play together, the adults had more relaxed time to visit and help clean up, and Nana and Pop-Pop weren't left with a ton of clean-up to carry over to the next morning.

And of course, the biggest bonus was that the four older cousins had more time to beat up...uh...I mean play with Uncle Dave in the backyard! Hopefully these pictures will serve as an explanation to Aunt Nikki when she goes to get the mud and grass stains out of Uncle Dave's clothes... Every child should be so lucky as to have an Uncle Dave! :-)

1 comment:

  1. Oh, my...when did your little ones grow up???? How lucky they are to have an Uncle Dave. I want one!
