Not sure why this posted as Friday the 13th...it should be Saturday the 14th!
So the honeymoon is over. I want so desperately to be able to post pictures, and we (Jim and I) are still having a terrible time figuring out why this step won't work! Now, obviously I (Jim) got this one to post this morning, but we haven't had any success since! So, this has officially become just one more thing to drive me nuts on a daily basis!!! I hope we figure this out soon!
So here's the pic of Ellie at the park from the other week. If you think she looks too big to be in a baby swing, you should see the shots of Ben! He got a bit stuck and lost both shoes during the extraction. I think perhaps this chapter of our lives is over.
On a completely different note, the kids and I got to see "Daddy's drummers" perform today. The Mechanicsburg High School Indoor Percussion Ensemble competed at Northern this afternoon - the closest locale and best Weaver-Family-friendly time all season!
We went with both sets of grandparents, and all adults were in stitches listening to the kids' running commentary! First of all, I put cotton in the kids' ears, as I do myself. (Imagine marching band drum line in a gymnasium...WITH mics on all the keyboard instruments...no kidding!) So getting back to the cotton, as most everyone knows, 3 and 5 yr olds don't have a greatly refined sense of appropriate public conversation subject or volume, as it is. Now imagine those same little brains and voices struggling to hear themselves through the cotton that their mommy so thoughtlessly stuffed in their ears... Yep. Laugh all you want! At least my children will have hearing when they are in their 20's!
We had no horribly inappropriate moments. My favorite was Benjamin's comments about how he knew the next group was Lower Dauphin because they were wearing blue pants and dolphins like water and water is blue... Obviously not worth even attempting to explain to him...
The kids were very happy to get to see Daddy's drummers, and I was too! For months now, I've been listening to the music being written and/or arranged downstairs, design meetings in the family room, and sections of rehearsal/performance recordings being analyzed on the laptop. It was certainly exciting to see it all LIVE! What can I say, I'm a proud wife! :-) The kids probably won't get to see any more performances this year, but I'll be going on the championship trip with Jim to Wildwood, NJ in May. I'll be sure to post some pics then...if I have this all figured out by May!
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