Thursday, September 3, 2009

BIG News!

So what do you think every time a 30-something mother tells you she has "big news?" Yep, of course. She must be having another baby...perhaps, even one that was not planned! What could add more drama and upheaval to a household finally starting to step out of babyhood than another teeny, tiny helpless being? Well, guess wha-at??? I'm not pregnant! :-)

I am, however, VERY excited to announce that in just a few weeks, I will be starting a new blog on! Pennlive is the website for Harrisburg's newspaper, The Patriot News!

Since starting this blog six months ago, everyone has been pouring on the compliments and suggestions of finding a larger "stage." Well, I finally took the advice to heart and began submitting samples of my work to various magazines and websites. I got a "yes!" back from pennlive within 24 hours of having contacted them!

The best part is that they want me to continue writing and posting as I have been doing, sharing the crazy stories from my crazy life! How much better can it get?!? Who knows where this will lead in the future, but for now I'm flattered by the endorsement and excited about this next step. Of course the more hits I get, the better! So please help me out by passing along my link to anyone and everyone you think might enjoy reading my zany tales and ramblings.

When my new blog is up and running, I will be sure to post a link to it here. For now, I plan to keep this (my personal) blog going, too. I figure that most of the time, I'll simply post a link to my pennlive blog. In the event that I have extra pictures and/or stories that I deem "not worthy to share with the entire world," I'll share them here. We'll see how it all works out...

Now, I have a favor to ask. I need to come up with a title for my new pennlive blog. (I guess "Becky's Blog" isn't "sparkly" enough. :-) So start brainstorming and let me know what you come up with! I need help!!!! No idea is too cute or silly or dumb. At this point, I got nothin'! Seriously. I'm begging. Send me your ideas a.s.a.p.! If you come up with a winner, I'll split my signing bonus with you! For that matter, we can easily split "nothing" a bunch of ways, so everyone who offers a suggestion, can have a piece!

I'll be waiting... :-)


  1. Congrats Becky! So happy for you. You know I love reading your blog.

  2. You KNOW how proud we always are of your endeavors. What an exciting development!
    Mom and Dad

  3. Awesome news!!! That's really great, and I bet it's only the beginning. Today Pennlive...tomorrow the NYT bestseller list?? :)


  4. yahooo!!!! do i get all the credit since i begged you to start a blog?? :) xoxo
