Thursday, September 24, 2009


This post will be brief, as I'm typing with my right pointer finger up in the air and/or wrapped in ice. Somehow I managed to scald it severely this evening while making dinner. Stop laughing. Dinner was good, thanks for wondering. :-)

I wanted to let everyone know that I just finished my first post for my new blog at, "Being Becky!" It won't go live until my editor gets into work tomorrow morning, I assume. Use the link below to visit and check it out! I still plan to continue posting here, as well. ...since obviously I'm insane. :-) We'll see how it goes...

Thank you ALL for your well-wishes and support. Especially thanks to Susan (for coming up with a rockin' title) and Elaine (for my super awesome head shots).

So here it is:

Come visit, send friends to visit, click often. :-)

I'm off to find more ice!


  1. So awesome! Congrats! (and, whoo hoo I get a QUOTE!! :)

    -btw, fyi, your url has a typo, it should be blog.pennlive...


  2. I'm SO proud! It's great! Can't wait for the next installment.
