Love her BIG eyes and pouty lip. Too cute!

Ah, yes. Three-year-olds...I asked him to hold ONE egg, and he found FOUR that he absolutely couldn't part with! Obviously the subject know best, though. :)

Two of my most favorite Emma expressions... Everyone has cute pics of their kid smiling, but what about making their trademark expressions? Emma is QUITE the lip-sucker!!!!

Then came the introduction of the lollipop. My plan was to keep Izzy occupied so I could position him next to Emma. What I failed to factor in was the intense interest that such a colorful pop would garner from one particular 7 month-old! Check out the next series of pics; they make me chuckle even now.

Aaaaand this one absolutely cracks. me. up! Emma, back to her lip-sucking, looks as if she is about to either burst into tears or beat the snot out of Izzy and steal his lollipop!!!!

Sorry it took me so long to post these! Perhaps I should go back through my files and check for more fun stuff to share...
Emma's so cute. If Jen and I have any kids in the near future, we'll be in touch for some photos!!!